MK15 RTL8762CMF وحدة Blutooth

• Realtek Semiconductor Corp RTL8762CMF SoC solution
• تقنية البلوتوث 5 – CSA # 2, ملحقات الدعاية, بعيد المدى
• 512kB Flash and 160kB RAM
• Highly flexible multi-protocol SoC ideally suited for Bluetooth® Low Energy and Bluetooth® mesh ultra low-power wireless applications.

MK01 أصغر رمز لشهادة بلوتوث Mosule

تعليمات المنتج

MK15 series is a powerful, highly flexible and ultra-low-power Bluetooth® 5.0 module based on Realtek Semiconductor Corp RTL8762CMF SoC solution, which combines the excellent performance of a leading RF transceiver with a 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M4F CPU and rich powerful supporting features and peripheralsit acts as a wireless communication protocol and establishes an interface through which two devices can wirelessly communicate data.


MK15A integrates a high-performance PCB antenna.


MK15B uses a u.FL connector and requires an external antenna.


> It is relatively cost-effective.
> The MK15 Bluetooth module can initiate wireless communication through an impressive range.
> Gets rid of your need for wires and cables for inter-devices communication.
> MK15 module-induced Bluetooth wireless protocols employ versatility in their ability to wirelessly connect almost any two devices as against cabled connections.
> MK15 Bluetooth module devices’ wireless data communication consumes a low amount of energy.


> In IoT connections
> In buildings’ security sensors
> In Tracking
> In wireless BLE communications
> In Mobile phones, Laptops, music players
> In the automation, monitoring and control of some industrial processes.
> In drones and surveillance technologies

مواصفات المنتج

التفاصيل وصف
جنرال لواء
وحدة المعالجة المركزية ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M4F at 40 ميغاهيرتز
الرامات "الذاكرة العشوائية في الهواتف والحواسيب Total 160kByte RAM consists 4 sectors
RAM1 – 112kByte Data RAM
RAM2 – 8kByte Cache Shared RAM
RAM3 – 8kByte Cache Shared RAM
RAM4 – 32kByte Buffer RAM
All the RAM regions can be used to execute code and hold data
فلاش Embedded 512kByteFlash (448kB for custom use, 64kB has been used for OS)
Flash Address Space is a virtual space that is mapped to external Flash to extend the code space in XIP (execute In Place) الوضع
الأبعاد الطول: 21مم ± 0.2 مم
عرض: 13.8مم ± 0.2 مم
ارتفاع: 2.3مم + 0.1 مم / -0.15 مم
Bluetooth Features Bluetooth® منخفضة الطاقة
Bluetooth® SIG Mesh
2M LE PHY (السرعه العاليه)
LE المرمز PHY (بعيد المدى)
ملحقات الدعاية
CSA #2 (خوارزمية اختيار القناة #2)
شبكة بلوتوث + GATT connection x 3
Roles المركزية المتزامنة, مراقب, peripheral and broadcaster
التحويرات GFSK في 1 Mbps/2 Mbps
بعيد المدى (125كيلوبت في الثانية و 500 كيلوبت في الثانية) معدلات البيانات
نقل الطاقه -20ديسيبل, 0ديسيبل, +3ديسيبل, +4ديسيبل, +7.5 ديسيبل
المتلقي حساسية -97 حساسية ديسيبل في 1 وضع Bluetooth® LE في ميغابت في الثانية
-101 حساسية ديسيبل في 125 وضع kbps Bluetooth® LE
هوائي MK15A series – PCB trace antenna
MK15B series – u.FL connector
مزود الطاقة 1.8V to 3.3V DC
Power Regulator تبديل منظم لإعداد باك DC / DC
التحكم على مدار الساعة Embedded 40MHz crystal oscillator
Embedded 32K RC oscillator and support external 32.768kHz crystal oscillator
صفقة 34 بأقطار نصف ثقوب
واجهات 25 (ماكس) مرنة للأغراض العامة IOs
Hardware key-scan
Embedded IR transceiver
Real-Time counters (RTC)
Generic 4-wire SPI master/slave
Low power comparators x 8
400ksps, 12قليلا, 6 channel AUXADC
Timers x 8
I2C x 2
PWM x 8
UART x 2
درجة حرارة التخزين -55 to 125°C
درجة حرارة التشغيل -40 to 85°C
Extended Industrial temperature -40 يمكن تخصيص + 105 درجة مئوية

How to Configure

Configuring Bluetooth modules involves setting them up for use. The processes include:
> Construct a primary circuit by connecting the Arduino pins to the Bluetooth module’s voltage pins.
> When you’re making use of a completed drop controller to configure the Bluetooth module, turn the Bluetooth module on after downloading the serial pass with the aid of an Arduino sketch.
> Make sure the LEDs of the Bluetooth module are blinking (that’s how you’d know it’s turned on).
> Attempt using your Android mobile phone to connect with the now turned-on module. (Connection can only be achieved with an Android device).
> Turn on your android device’s Bluetooth and scan for the name, MK15.
> Click on the name and pair with the module as you would in a usual Bluetooth connection.
> A four-digit pin may or may not be required. If one is required it is usually simple combinations like ‘1234’ or ‘0000’. Though it is usually stated in the product’s package.
> Being able to successfully pair with the module tells you it is in working and communicable.
> You then communicate with the module through the Arduino sketch serial pass.
> At a specific speed of less than 10000 bp, a short coding of the sketch induces the hardware and software serial to open to await imputation of the serial data.
> The transfer of imputed information can either be from the Bluetooth module to the Hardware serial or Vice-versa. Depending upon where the data were imputed.
> After opening the serial monitor of the downloaded Arduino sketch, change the baud rate to the same speed as above.
> Set ‘no line ending’ as your preferred line endings.
> Wait a few seconds for the welcome message.
> Check and confirm that the Module’s LED light is blinking.
> On the opened serial monitor type ‘AT’ tap on send.
> After getting ‘OK’ in reply. (Troubleshoot your connections if you do not)
> Change the name of the Bluetooth module by entering and sending the command ‘AT+NAMEname’ on the serial monitor. (The lower case name represents your name of choice).
> Getting the reply ‘OKsetname’ confirms that the rename was successful.
> You can then wait a minute and repeat the Bluetooth search process with your android. The name should be changed.

How to use

Bluetooth modules are generally easy to use. Here are answers to a few FAQs for a better user experience.

How do I customize my Bluetooth module’s parameters?
After configuration, you can adjust all the parameters on the module from the AT command mode. To get into the AT command mode. Simply pull the pin that reads Button switch.

Why can’t I adjust my Module’s Parameters?
You need to unpair all the Bluetooth devices paired with the Bluetooth module in order for the AT command mode to be accessible.

How’d I know if my Bluetooth Module is paired?
The blinking speed of the LED lights tells you if any device is paired with your Bluetooth module or not.
Series of fast-paced blinks indicates that your module’s signal is not being communicated or transmitted with any Bluetooth device. Meaning your module is not paired with any device.
Slower LED blinks seeing about a blink every 3 seconds on average. Indicates your Bluetooth module is currently paired.

How can I take better care of my Bluetooth module?

The most effective way to do this is by being intentional about learning all the components of the module. And what they are responsible for. This would reduce the chance of you causing any damage to the module or any hazard to yourself as a result of ignorance.