Επιλέξτε τους σωστούς τύπους πύλης IoT για επιτυχία

Πίνακας περιεχομένων
Πώς να επιλέξετε τους σωστούς τύπους πυλών IoT για μια συγκεκριμένη ανάγκη.

Το IoT έχει αναδειχθεί ως μια μεταμορφωτική δύναμη, φέρνει επανάσταση στις βιομηχανίες σε όλο τον κόσμο. Το IoT επιτρέπει τη διασύνδεση συσκευών και συστημάτων, διευκόλυνση της ανταλλαγής δεδομένων και επιτρέποντας την έξυπνη λήψη αποφάσεων. At the heart of the IoT ecosystem, IoT nodes and gateways play a crucial role in this interconnected ecosystem, διευκόλυνση της ανταλλαγής δεδομένων και επιτρέποντας την έξυπνη λήψη αποφάσεων. Mokosmart offers reliable and versatile gateway solutions for IoT deployments. Our types of IoT gateways are known for their compatibility with various wireless technologies and their ability to enable seamless connectivity and communication between IoT devices and the Internet or other networks. Ωστόσο, in the face of many wireless communication gateways, how can we choose the gateway that conforms to the development of the company?

Σε αυτό το άρθρο, we will delve into the world of IoT gateways, exploring the definitions and operating principles of the types of gateways on the market. According to wireless communication technology, we divide gateways into these categories: WiFi, Ζιγκμπι, Bluetooth, LoRaWAN, GSM, Z-Wave, NB-IoT, Sigfox, and LTE IoT gateways, and discuss the wide application of these types of IoT gateways in different industries. Επιπλέον, we will study the future trends of IoT gateways and how to choose the right one for specific requirements.

Τι"s an IoT Gateway?

An IoT gateway, as a pivotal component of the IoT ecosystem, is designed based on a robust IoT gateway architecture. It is a device that connects IoT devices to the internet or other networks, serving as a bridge between the devices and external systems. It enables seamless communication, μεταφορά δεδομένων, and management between IoT devices and cloud platforms or other remote services. Types of gateways in IoT often provide protocol translation, data pre-processing, security features, and local processing capabilities. They play a vital role in facilitating connectivity, συλλογή δεδομένων, and control within an IoT ecosystem, enabling efficient and secure integration of IoT devices into larger network infrastructures.

Βασικές διαφορές του 9 Types of IoT Gateways with Different Wireless Technology

9 Types of IoT Gateways with Different Wireless Technologies

To fully understand the landscape of IoT gateways, it is essential to comprehend the different wireless gateway technologies they support.

Wi-Fi πύλη: ΕΝΑ WiFi gateway is a hardware device that integrates a modem and a router. It serves as a single device that performs the functions of both a modem and a router. The modem establishes the connection between the smart device and the ISP, while the router converts the data received from the modem and distributes it as a WiFi signal to multiple devices. Ουσιαστικά, a WiFi gateway combines the functionalities of a modem and a router into a single device, allowing for convenient Internet connectivity and wireless data distribution.

Ζιγκμπι πύλη: A Zigbee gateway serves as a bridge for data transfer between a Zigbee network and devices on another network. Its main function is to enable seamless communication and data exchange between Zigbee devices and external systems.

Bluetooth πύλη: ΕΝΑ Bluetooth IoT Gateway acts as a communication interface between Bluetooth devices, such as beacons and sensors, and the Cloud server. It functions similarly to an internet router, enabling Bluetooth devices to access the internet and establish connections with other devices like smartphones and laptops, even when they are not in close proximity to each other.

LoRaWAN πύλη: ΕΝΑ Πύλη LoRaWAN serves as a radio module in the LoRaWAN network, facilitating communication between end devices and the LNS. Its primary purpose is to transmit sensor data from electronic devices to the cloud for further processing and analysis.

GSM πύλη: A GSM gateway is a device that facilitates the connection between a GSM network and other types of networks, including linking two separate GSM networks. It is commonly used to link wireless GSM networks with wired networks, resulting in reduced complexity within the wireless network and alleviating the load on the public network.

Ζ-Wave πύλη: A Z-Wave gateway is a device or software component that serves as a bridge between Z-Wave-enabled devices and other networks or systems. It is a wireless communication protocol designed for control systems.

NB-IoT πύλη: An NB-IoT gateway is a device that facilitates communication between NB-IoT devices and other networks. Its main function is to serve as a bridge between NB-IoT devices and the Internet or other networks. It enables NB-IoT devices to send and receive data, commands, and information to external and external systems.

Sigfox πύλη: The main purpose of the Sigfox gateway is to enable communication between the Sigfox device and the Sigfox cloud platform, transferring data from the Maturix transmitter to the Internet. It is connected to the cloud via existing LAN infrastructure or a cellular network.

LTE πύλη: An LTE gateway, also known as an LTE router or LTE modem, is a device that allows users to connect their LAN to the internet using LTE cellular networks. LTE is a wireless communication standard widely used for high-speed transmission of mobile data.

A Detailed Comparison Table of 9 Πύλες IoT

Wi-Fi gateway Μακρύς Υψηλός Υψηλός Μέτριος Μέτριος Internet access,
home networks
Zigbee gateway Μεσαίο Υψηλός Χαμηλός Χαμηλός Χαμηλός Οικιακός αυτοματισμός,
industrial control
Πύλη Bluetooth Μικρός Μέτριος Μέτριος Χαμηλός Χαμηλός Προσωπικά δίκτυα περιοχής,
device pairing
Πύλη LoRaWAN Μακρύς Χαμηλός Χαμηλός Χαμηλός Μέτριος Έξυπνες πόλεις,
παρακολούθηση στοιχείων
GSM gateway Μακρύς Υψηλός Μέτριος Μέτριος Υψηλός Mobile voice and data communication
Z-Wave gateway Μεσαίο Υψηλός Χαμηλός Χαμηλός Μέτριος Οικιακός αυτοματισμός
NB-IoT gateway Μακρύς Χαμηλός Χαμηλός Ultra-low Υψηλός Έξυπνη μέτρηση,
παρακολούθηση στοιχείων
Sigfox gateway Μακρύς Μέτριος Χαμηλός Ultra-low Υψηλός Έξυπνες πόλεις,
περιβαλλοντική παρακολούθηση
LTE gateway Μακρύς Υψηλός Υψηλός Μέτριος Υψηλός Mobile broadband,
απομακρυσμένη παρακολούθηση

Compare Types of Short to Medium Range Trackers: Πύλες Bluetooth vs Ζιγκμπι gateways vs Z-Wave πύλες

Εύρος IoT σολateways

Bluetooth gateways typically have a range of about 10 μέτρα, but newer versions of Bluetooth 5.0 or higher can provide a longer range of up to 100 μέτρα. Zigbee gateways offer a range of up to 10 προς την 100 μέτρα, depending on the environment and the number of devices forming the mesh network. Z-Wave gateways offer a range of up to 30 μέτρα, but the range can be extended using mesh networking by relaying signals through other Z-Wave devices.

Ποσοστό μεταφοράς δεδομένων του IoT σολateways

Bluetooth gateways support medium to high data rates ranging from several Kbps to several Mbps, depending on the Bluetooth version. Zigbee and Z Wave are communication protocols designed for low data rate communication. Zigbee Gateway data rates typically range from 20 προς την 250 Kbps. The typical range of Z-Wave gateways is from 9.6 Kbps σε 100 Kbps.

Κατανάλωση ενέργειας του IoT σολateways

All three gateways feature low power consumption, making them suitable for battery-powered devices and energy-efficient applications.

Κόστος του IoT σολateways

Z-Wave gateways are generally considered more expensive than Bluetooth and Zigbee gateways. Costs can be higher due to the proprietary nature of Z-Wave technology and the certification process required for compatibility.

Εφαρμογή του IoT σολateways

Bluetooth is used for short-range communication between devices, such as smartphones and various consumer electronic devices. ZigBee and Z-Wave are designed for home automation and are used in devices such as smart lighting, θερμοστάτες, και συστήματα ασφαλείας.

Compare Types of μεγάλοong Range Trackers: Wi-Fi vs LoRaWAN vs GSM vs NB-IoT vs Sigfox vs LTE

Εύρος IoT σολateways

Compared with other gateways, the coverage of Wi-Fi gateways is not far, generally ranging from a few meters to several hundred meters. Σε αντίθεση, LoRaWAN gateways can cover 5-15 kilometers in open areas, depending on environmental factors, antenna configuration, and power Settings. LTE, GSM, and NB-IoT gateways are all coverage areas provided by the cellular network infrastructure, providing extensive coverage in many areas, especially in urban and suburban areas. The Sigfox Gateway provides coverage through Sigfox’s network of base stations, reaching the farthest reaches, and providing extensive coverage in multiple countries and regions around the world.

Ποσοστό μεταφοράς δεδομένων του IoT σολateways

Both the LoRaWAN gateway and the Sigfox gateway offer low data transfer rates, typically ranging from a few hundred bps to several Kbps. NB-IoT gateways provide low to moderate data transfer rates, typically from tens of Kbps to hundreds of Kbps, with GSM gateways supporting data transfer rates a bit faster than NB-IoT, from thousands of bps to Mbps. LTE gateways offer high-speed data transfer rates ranging from a few Mbps to tens of Mbps. Wi-Fi gateways offer the fastest data transfer rates, ranging from a few hundred Mbps to a few Gbps, making them suitable for applications that require real-time communication, video streaming, and Internet access.

Κατανάλωση ενέργειας του IoT σολateways

LoRaWAN, Sigfox, and NB-IoT gateways are all designed to be low-power devices. They consume much lower power compared to Wi-Fi gateways because they operate in low data rate, remote communication mode. GSM gateway consumption belongs to the medium power level. They rely on cellular networks, which require electricity to transmit signals and maintain network connections. Wi-Fi gateways and LTE gateways typically consume more power than other remote gateways. That’s because the technologies that support them require more energy to enable high-speed data transfers and maintain continuous wireless connections.

Κόστος του IoT σολateways

Wi-Fi gateways are relatively cheaper compared to some specialized remote gateways. LoRaWAN gateways typically cost a little more than Wi-Fi gateways because they use specialized hardware and technology. GSM and Sigfox gateways are generally more expensive to price and may include additional fees such as SIM cards and network subscriptions. NB-IoT and LTE gateways are also more expensive.

Εφαρμογή του IoT σολateways

Wi-Fi is used for high-speed data transfer and is commonly used in homes and offices for network connections and IoT applications. LoRa gateways are well suited for applications where remote communications and low power consumption are critical, such as smart agriculture and industrial monitoring solutions. GSM gateways are suitable for applications where mobility and broad network coverage are essential. NB-IoT gateways enable remote connectivity with low energy consumption, making it suitable for applications such as remote monitoring. Sigfox gateways are suitable for applications that require low data rates, μεγάλη διάρκεια ζωής της μπαταρίας, and global network coverage, such as supply chain and logistics. LTE gateways are widely used in high-speed Internet connections, mobile communications, and data-intensive applications.

Bluetooth vs Ζιγκμπι vs Z-Wave vs Wi-Fi vs LoRaWAN vs GSM vs NB-IoT vs Sigfox vs LTE: Which IoT Tracker is Better

φάχαρακτηριστικά του τύποι IoT tracker

  1. Πύλη Bluetooth

Low-power technology suitable for short-range connections like smartphones, φορητά, and sensors in close proximity.

Supports data transmission speeds up to 3 Mbps.

  1. Zigbee Gateway

Low-power and low-data-rate wireless communication protocol.

Designed for home and building automation applications.

Supports a mesh network topology for extended range and scalability.

Provides secure and reliable communication with low latency.

  1. Z-Wave Gateway

Proprietary wireless communication protocol for smart home applications.

Operates in the sub-GHz frequency range for better range and penetration through walls.

Supports a mesh network architecture for increased coverage and device interconnectivity.

Offers excellent reliability and low power consumption.

  1. Wi-Fi Gateway

Offers high data rates and broad coverage within the range of a Wi-Fi network.

Well-suited for connecting devices with high bandwidth requirements, such as video streaming or large data transfers.

  1. LoRaWAN Gateway

Enables low-power and long-range connectivity for IoT devices, spanning kilometers in range.

Optimized for low data rates and battery life, making it suitable for applications like smart cities, και παρακολούθηση περιουσιακών στοιχείων.

Offers good network scalability and efficient use of spectrum resources.

  1. GSM Gateway

Provides wide coverage and connectivity using cellular networks.

Supports voice and data communication, making it versatile for various IoT applications.

  1. NB-IoT Gateway

Provides deep indoor coverage and better penetration through walls.

Optimized for low-cost, low-power devices that require long battery life.

Suitable for applications like smart parking and healthcare.

  1. Sigfox Gateway

Offers long-range communication with low power consumption.

Designed for simple, low-cost IoT applications that involve the periodic transmission of small data packets.

  1. LTE Gateway

Offers high-speed data transmission and low latency.

Suitable for applications with high bandwidth requirements, such as video surveillance or real-time monitoring.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Τύποι πύλη

When selecting an IoT gateway, there are several important factors that businesses and organizations should consider to ensure a successful and efficient deployment. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing an IoT gateway:

Επιλογές συνδεσιμότητας: Determine the wireless technologies supported by the gateway, όπως το Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Ζιγκμπι, LoRaWAN, GSM, NB-IoT, Sigfox, or LTE. Consider which connectivity options are required for your IoT devices and their compatibility with the gateway.

Power Consumption and Battery Life: Depending on the IoT deployment, power consumption may be a crucial consideration. Assess the gateway’s power requirements and its impact on the battery life of connected devices, especially for low-power IoT applications or those operating in remote or energy-constrained environments. Gateways such as Bluetooth, Λόρα, and NB-IoT gateway are low-power gateways.

Data Processing and Edge Computing Capabilities: Assess the IoT edge gateway’s data processing capabilities and determine whether it can perform necessary edge computing tasks. Evaluate the edge computing gateway’s capability to perform local data analysis and filtering, thereby minimizing the necessity to transmit extensive data to the cloud. This can enhance real-time decision-making and reduce latency.

Security Features: IoT gateway security is critical to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access. Evaluate the security features provided by the gateway, such as encryption, μηχανισμούς ελέγχου ταυτότητας, secure protocols, and firmware updates. Consider whether the gateway adheres to industry standards and best practices for IoT security.

Κόστος: Assess the total IoT gateway price of ownership, including the upfront purchase cost, ongoing maintenance, and any subscription fees associated with the gateway. Consider the value provided by the gateway in terms of features, επεκτασιμότητα, and support, and align it with your budget and ROI expectations. Bluetooth and Zigbee gateway gateways are affordable gateways, while LTE and Sigfox gateways are more expensive.

By carefully evaluating these factors and aligning them with your specific IoT requirements, you can select the best IoT gateway that suits your needs, supports your desired wireless technologies, ensures data security, enables efficient data processing, and integrates seamlessly into your IoT ecosystem.

Εφαρμογήμικρό of Types of Gateway

The application of types of gateways in the context of the IoT is vast and diverse, spanning various industries and use cases. Here are some notable IoT gateway devices examples:

Smart Homes and Buildings: IoT gateways enable the integration and control of diverse smart devices within homes and buildings. They act as a central hub, connecting smart thermostats, lighting systems, security cameras, και άλλες συσκευές IoT. Gateways provide interoperability by translating communication protocols, allowing seamless control, παρακολούθηση, and automation of various devices for enhanced comfort, ενεργειακής απόδοσης, και ασφάλεια.

Industrial Automation and Manufacturing: In industrial environments, industrial IoT gateways bridge the gap between legacy systems and modern IoT devices. They facilitate data exchange between industrial machinery, Αισθητήρες, and control systems, επιτρέποντας την παρακολούθηση σε πραγματικό χρόνο, προγνωστική συντήρηση, and process optimization. Gateways ensure compatibility and interoperability among disparate devices and systems, βελτίωση της παραγωγικότητας, μείωση του χρόνου διακοπής λειτουργίας, and cost savings.

Agriculture and Farming: IoT gateways are deployed in agriculture to enable smart farming practices. They connect sensors, weather stations, irrigation systems, and livestock monitoring devices to collect data on soil moisture, καιρικές συνθήκες, crop health, and animal behavior. The gateways transmit this data to the cloud for analysis, enabling farmers to make data-driven decisions, optimize resource allocation, and improve crop yield while reducing water and energy consumption.

Έξυπνες πόλεις: Gateways play a vital role in building smart city infrastructure. They connect and manage a multitude of IoT devices, such as smart streetlights, waste management systems, αισθητήρες στάθμευσης, and environmental monitoring devices. Gateways enable intelligent decision-making, optimize resource allocation, and enhance urban areasoverall livability, βιωσιμότητα, and efficiency by aggregating data from various sources.

Φροντίδα υγείας: In the healthcare sector, gateways facilitate remote patient monitoring, παρακολούθηση στοιχείων, and facility management. They connect wearable devices, medical sensors, and patient monitoring systems to healthcare networks, enabling real-time data transmission, ανάλυση, and integration with electronic health records. Gateways ensure secure and reliable communication, contributing to improved patient care, reduced hospital readmissions, and efficient resource allocation.

Μεταφορές και Logistics: IoT gateways are utilized in transportation and logistics to enable efficient fleet management, vehicle tracking, και βελτιστοποίηση της εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας. They connect GPS trackers, Αισθητήρες, and telematics devices in vehicles to gather real-time data on location, κατανάλωση καυσίμου, συμπεριφορά του οδηγού, and cargo conditions. Gateways transmit this data to cloud platforms, allowing companies to enhance operational efficiency, reduce fuel costs, improve delivery timelines, and ensure the integrity of transported goods.

Types of gateways find diverse applications across numerous industries and fields.

Advancements in IoT Gateway Technology Αγορά

According to a comprehensive research report, the global IoT gateways market is poised to garner 2480.6 MN με 2030, επεκτείνεται σε α 16.57% CAGR throughout the review period (2020-2030).

Στο παρελθόν, IoT gateway technology has seen significant advances, including the incorporation of edge computing capabilities, expanded connectivity options, improved security features, and standardization efforts. The introduction of 5G and 4G IoT gateways has further accelerated the growth of IoT deployments. Looking toward the future, several exciting advancements are anticipated. These include the integration of 5G networks for faster and lower-latency connectivity, leveraging AI and ML for advanced analytics and autonomous decision-making, the emergence of hybrid gateways combining multiple wireless technologies, enhanced security measures such as blockchain technology, a focus on energy efficiency, and the creation of a seamless edge-to-cloud continuum. These advancements will drive innovation, αποδοτικότητα, and connectivity in the IoT landscape, enabling new possibilities across industries and use cases.

MOKOSmart"s Types of Gateway

MOKOSmart offers a range of gateways designed to support different wireless technologies, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, και LoRaWAN. These types of gateway act as bridges between different devices and networks, enabling seamless integration within IoT deployments.

MOKOSmart’s Bluetooth gateways all use Bluetooth 5.0 as the standard, enabling you to convert wired sensors into wireless sensors. With a maximum scanning capacity of up to 300 m/s and a Bluetooth scanning range of 130 Μ, it can cover a wider area and more quickly discover nearby Bluetooth devices and establish connections, making it ideal for applications such as large warehouses, industrial facilities, or outdoor sites.

MOKOSmart’s BLE Wi-Fi gateway integrates Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy technology. The BLE scanner of the BLE Wi-Fi Gateway collects Bluetooth broadcast data from surrounding BLE devices and uploads these data frames to the MQTT server over 2.4 WiFi GHz. With a 100-meter Wi-Fi connection range, BLE Wi-Fi gateways usually have strong signal transmission capability, can cope with interference, and support long-distance transmission requirements.

MOKOSmart’s LoRaWAN gateway supports both wired and wireless connections. The 8-channel standard LoRaWAN basic gateway can receive signals from multiple end devices simultaneously and transmit them to a network server, thus extending the range of communication and enabling end devices to communicate over a wider area. It has a wireless coverage range of up to 130 meters in urban open spaces and 3 kilometers in urban environments, making it widely used for smart factories, έξυπνα κτίρια, smart offices, and other IoT systems.

With a focus on performance, αξιοπιστία, and compatibility, Mokosmart’s types of gateway offer versatile solutions to enhance IoT connectivity and enable successful deployments across various industries.


Συμπερασματικά, selecting the right types of gateway is pivotal for unlocking the full potential of IoT deployments. MOKOSmart’s gateway solutions, renowned for the reliability and versatility, offer seamless integration with various wireless technologies, providing a robust foundation for IoT ecosystems. As the IoT landscape continues to evolve, businesses must understand the significance of gateways, evaluate the specific requirements, and choose a gateway solution that aligns with the goals. By doing so, businesses can leverage the potential of IoT to foster innovation, εξορθολογίσουν τις διαδικασίες, and gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries.

By carefully considering wireless technologies, evaluating use cases, understanding key selection factors, and keeping an eye on future advancements, businesses can pave the way for successful IoT implementations and leverage the transformative potential of the Internet of Things.

Continue Reading About Types of Gateways

Γραμμένο από --
Νικ Χε
Νικ Χε
Νίκος, ένας έμπειρος διαχειριστής έργου στο R&Δ τμήμα, φέρνει μια πλούσια εμπειρία στη MOKOSMART, έχοντας προηγουμένως υπηρετήσει ως μηχανικός έργου στην BYD. Η εμπειρία του στο R&Ο D φέρνει μια ολοκληρωμένη δεξιότητα στη διαχείριση του έργου του IoT. Με ένα συμπαγές φόντο που εκτείνεται 6 χρόνια στη διαχείριση έργων και λάβετε πιστοποιήσεις όπως PMP και CSPM-2, Ο Νικ διαπρέπει στον συντονισμό των προσπαθειών σε όλες τις πωλήσεις, μηχανική, δοκιμές, και ομάδες μάρκετινγκ. Τα έργα συσκευών IoT στα οποία έχει συμμετάσχει περιλαμβάνουν Beacons, Συσκευές LoRa, πύλες, και έξυπνες πρίζες.
Νικ Χε
Νικ Χε
Νίκος, ένας έμπειρος διαχειριστής έργου στο R&Δ τμήμα, φέρνει μια πλούσια εμπειρία στη MOKOSMART, έχοντας προηγουμένως υπηρετήσει ως μηχανικός έργου στην BYD. Η εμπειρία του στο R&Ο D φέρνει μια ολοκληρωμένη δεξιότητα στη διαχείριση του έργου του IoT. Με ένα συμπαγές φόντο που εκτείνεται 6 χρόνια στη διαχείριση έργων και λάβετε πιστοποιήσεις όπως PMP και CSPM-2, Ο Νικ διαπρέπει στον συντονισμό των προσπαθειών σε όλες τις πωλήσεις, μηχανική, δοκιμές, και ομάδες μάρκετινγκ. Τα έργα συσκευών IoT στα οποία έχει συμμετάσχει περιλαμβάνουν Beacons, Συσκευές LoRa, πύλες, και έξυπνες πρίζες.
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