Benefits and Application of LoRa Tracker

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Benefits and Application of LoRa Tracker

We have made it to the third decade of the 21st century yet the scientific innovations don’t cease to exist. One of such innovations is the LoRa tracker. In the past, seamen climbers had to rely on compasses for directions. Then came a time when jet pilots transitioned to relying on conventional GPS for determining their location. Now we live in the age of the IoT and therefore we have access to something much smarter and much better. We are now able to monitor the geolocation of anything we want to by using the LoRa tracker. Hence, we are able to leverage their portability and efficiency for a wide range of IoT applications.

Key Features of LoRa tracker from the MOKO Smart

We take pride in our innovative approach and the superior capacity of our R&D. MOKO Smart has built a reputation for coming up with unique IoT offerings. Our LoRa based products are the best ones you can ever come across in the market. Our LoRa tracker is the crown jewel of our LoRaWAN and LoRa based product range. If you are looking for a tracker that not only fulfills your geolocation needs but also meets motion detection requirements then this is the ideal product for you. The following are some of the key features of our LoRa tracker.

  • You can use our MokoLora app for the configuration of OTAA and ABP modes.
  • This tracker features a standby time of up to 5 years.
  • LoRa tracker from the MOKO Smart has a low battery indicator.
  • Our LoRa tracker features a built-in motion tracking sensor. This sensor has 9 axes so it is able to detect even those objects which are moving very fast.
  • It works on free frequency bandwidths so it is much more accessible.
  • Our LoRa tracker consumes very little power in comparison to offerings from the market competitors.
  • It has the capability to update its software, operating system, and the firmware through OTA (over the air)
  • It has the capability to report more than two times a day.
  • Our LoRa tracker is based on the renowned LoRaWAN protocol.
  • It is able to perform GPS positioning with very high accuracy (up to 5 meters)
  • It features a strong 4000 mAh battery which is non-rechargeable.
  • Our tracker is capable of operating even in extreme temperatures of over 70℃.
  • It also has the capability to operate in very humid environments.

Applications of LoRa Tracker

LoRa tracker has a wide range of applications in various fields from power generation to supply chain and logistics.

LoRa shipment tracker

Most transportation companies face the challenge of delivering their packages safely and on time. So, they have to adopt measures to prevent theft, ensure optimal routing, and monitoring the geolocation at all times. Companies who deal in logistics often have to handle a very large number of packages and shipments. So, they want to have a tracking solution that is easy to deploy, doesn’t cost much, is readily available, and consumes very little power. Hence, they can’t adopt conventional solutions because they are not convenient and cost too much. Therefore, the ideal fit is a LoRa shipment tracker which is very convenient to deploy and is very efficient.

LoRa pet tracker

We are getting more and more attached to our pets. Today, most people consider them as part of their family and tend to take good care of them. If a pet is hurt or is lost then the pain is unbearable for the owners. That is why people like to adopt effective security measures to ensure the safety of their pets. Hence, a LoRa tracker is an excellent gadget to monitor the location of your pets at all times.

LoRa child tracker

Children are often very naïve and tend to do things which reason can’t comprehend. Their shenanigans are often unpredictable and quite troublesome to follow. Therefore, children have a tendency to wander off. If you want to prevent this then you should install a LoRa tracker on their clothing or armbands. This will help you in monitoring their movement at all times.

LoRa patient tracker

Old people and critical patients are at high health risk. This is more prominent in patients with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. So, these types of patients often find themselves in unfamiliar places and can get themselves hurt. So, it is always a good idea to have them carry a tracker LoRa so that you can help them when the need arises.

LoRa bike tracker

Vehicle and automobile theft are on the rise. Since motorcycles and bikes are easy to carry and move around hence they are at a higher risk. So, if you want to protect your bike then you should install a LoRa bike tracker on it. Hence, the security of your bike will never be compromised.

LoRa Asset tracker

Airports and railway stations are very crowded places. Many passengers are coming in and going out. With this much mobilization, a lot of luggage is also involved. People often tend to lose their valuable assets at airports. So, installing a LoRaWAN tracker will safeguard your valuable items.

Immediate Rescue Help

Road accidents are one of the leading causes of death every year. So, these accidents often take place in areas that are not easy to access. If an accident takes place at night time and no one is nearby then the victim is at high risk because no one is going to call the rescue authorities. This can lead to permanent disability or in some cases immediate death. So, in order to avoid this, we need to come up with a smart solution. If a LoRa tracker is installed in a vehicle and it is involved in an accident then it will immediately notify the rescue authorities. Hence, rescue authorities will know exactly where the victim is and they will reach him immediately. This way we can save valuable lives.

Benefits of LoRa Tracker

LoRa tracker is a very beneficial innovation and this section is dedicated to elaborating these benefits.

Superior Accessibility

As we know that every IoT technology works over a specific signal spectrum and only responds to certain frequencies. These signal spectrums and frequency bandwidths often require you to pay a premium. This means that if you want to use IoT technology then you will have to pay for accessing it. On the other hand, LoRa and LoRaWAN work on open source frequencies and bandwidths. Hence, everyone can access them and this accessibility ensures smooth operations across all platforms.

Advanced Security

The geolocation data is very sensitive because it entails all of your movements. If a malicious person manages to get a hold of this data then it can yield catastrophic results. So, predators can use geolocation data to monitor where you spend your time, who you meet, and what you do. They can then use this information to blackmail you or further exploit your behavior patterns. That is why you want to invest in a location tracker that is very secure to use. LoRa tracker comes with multiple layers of security and all data communications are end-to-end encrypted.

Low Power Consumption

This is one of the major benefits of these trackers. These trackers consume very little power. So, they have long battery life and they keep operating for years. Hence, it is an ideal fit for you if you are thinking about mass deployment. Low power consumption means that they will not require repairs hence you will incur no maintenance cost. Hence, your operations become more economical.

Accuracy and Coverage

LoRa trackers cover a very wide area. Hence, you can track the movements of your assets over a long-range. On top of that, these trackers offer very high accuracy. Therefore, you get to experience both quantity and quality. Hence, it is suitable for building a reliable location tracking framework.

Better Connectivity

LoRa trackers are easily able to transmit data to the cloud servers. For this purpose, they use LoRa nodes and LoRaWAN gateways. So, once the data reaches the cloud servers they process and analyze it very quickly. After that, we can easily access this data by using any smart device (laptop or phone) in any part of the world. This heightened connectivity comes in handy when you are dealing with remote locations and a large number of assets.

Components of a LoRa Tracker

A LoRa tracker constitutes a number of elements. Each of these elements plays a very important role.

Geolocation Module

Every LoRa tracker includes a geolocation module. So, this module measures the physical location of the subject and then records it. Mostly this module utilizes sophisticated techniques for determining the exact location of the subject.


There are one or more batteries as per the requirements. These batteries are often non-rechargeable. However, these batteries have a very long lifespan so they can last for years. The reason for this is that these trackers consume very little power. Hence, their batteries last for longer.

Processing Unit

There is also a processing unit. This unit is basically to process all of the recorded geolocation measurements and compile them in order. It is the most important part because it serves as the brain of the LoRa based tracker.


Another important part is the transmitter. The function of a transmitter is to send the location of a subject to the concerned person. So, for this purpose, the transmitter first sends the recorded location to the nearest LoRaWAN gateway. From the LoRaWAN gateway, it goes to the cloud servers. From there, anyone with clearance can access it through a personal computer or smartphone.

Motion Detector

Some high-end LoRa trackers also include a motion detector. These are very helpful because they allow us to perform live tracking of subjects. So, if the tracker has a good motion detector then it can monitor the movements of even those subjects which move at a high speed.

Power Usage

LoRa trackers use a very little amount of power. Hence, they are last very long and don’t require any repairs. Hence, they are very economical because they don’t involve any sorts of maintenance costs.

Estimated Runtime

Since LoRa trackers consume very little amount of power, therefore, they last very long. The exact runtime differs from one tracker to the other. This is because each tracker operates in different service conditions and surrounding environments. Also, the quality and number of batteries also play a vital role. However, as a general rule, an average LoRa tracker can last from a couple of years to a decade.

Working of LoRa Tracker from MOKO Smart

working of Lora tracker

The LoRa GPS tracker offered by MOKO Smart works on the standard LoRaWAN protocol. Our tracker consumes very little power and can last up to half a decade. It has a built-in GPS tracker that has very high accuracy and precision. Hence, you can deploy it in applications requiring precision control and high efficiency. Our tracker also features a motion sensor that has 9 axes. This is very beneficial because it allows live tracking of fast-paced products. Therefore, you can also deploy it in vehicles, automobiles, and living subjects such as pets and children.

The tracker from MOKO Smart works by collecting the geolocation of a subject and recording it in memory. Then it transmits this data to any nearby LoRaWAN gateway multiple times a day through a secure channel. The LoRaWAN gateway then sends this data over to the cloud servers when it deems appropriate. So, this data is then processed by the cloud servers by using sophisticated data science techniques. However, we can also implement machine learning algorithms on this data to predict existing patterns and future behavior. We can access all of this data and valuable information from anywhere in the world. In order to do this, all we need is a smart device and a stable internet connection. If you would like to learn more about our LoRa GPS tracker then feel free to contact us or download its datasheet.

Written by ——
Nick He
Nick He
Nick, a seasoned project manager in our R&D department, brings a wealth of experience to MOKOSMART, having previously served as a project engineer at BYD. His expertise in R&D brings a well-rounded skill to his IoT project management. With a solid background spanning 6 years in project management and get certifications like PMP and CSPM-2, Nick excels in coordinating efforts across sales, engineering, testing, and marketing teams. The IoT device projects he has participated in include Beacons, LoRa devices, gateways, and smart plugs.
Nick He
Nick He
Nick, a seasoned project manager in our R&D department, brings a wealth of experience to MOKOSMART, having previously served as a project engineer at BYD. His expertise in R&D brings a well-rounded skill to his IoT project management. With a solid background spanning 6 years in project management and get certifications like PMP and CSPM-2, Nick excels in coordinating efforts across sales, engineering, testing, and marketing teams. The IoT device projects he has participated in include Beacons, LoRa devices, gateways, and smart plugs.
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