GPS-маяки проти. Маяки Bluetooth: Яка технологія позиціонування підходить для вашого випадку використання?

GPS-маяк проти. Маяк Bluetooth

Mokosmart is a company that specializes in developing and manufacturing BLE маяки. Невеликі пристрої, які називаються маяками Bluetooth, передають сигнали на інші суміжні пристрої з підтримкою Bluetooth. They are frequently used in location-based services, including asset tracking, безпосередній маркетинг, and interior navigation. В останні роки, GPS beacons have also become increasingly popular, and customers may wonder which type of beacon is more suitable for their needs. У цій статті, we will explore the differences between GPS tracking beacons and Bluetooth beacons and which applications are more suitable for each type of beacon.

Що а Маяк Bluetooth?

Bluetooth з низьким енергоспоживанням, also known as BLE, has a number of advantages over GPS. BLE is universally applied to wearable devices, маяки, роздрібна торгівля, та інші поля. An IoT solution known as a BLE beacon continuously transmits a radio signal to identify itself. Due to their low energy usage, BLE beacons are a good choice for digital contact tracking. They can manage to track with the minimal data exchange required.

Що a GPS Маяк?

Далі, let’s look at GPS beacons. They are small, portable devices that use Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to determine their location. They can be used to locate individuals, автомобілі, and other valuables. GPS beacon tracker can also be used to create geofences, which are virtual boundaries around a physical location. When a GPS beacon detects that it has crossed a geofence boundary, it can trigger an alert or action, such as sending a notification to a mobile app or turning on a device.

Випадки використання та програми маяка Bluetooths і GPS Маякs

There are many uses and applications for the two unique navigation technologies known as GPS and BLE. When it comes to deciding between BLE and GPS beacons, дуже важливо враховувати конкретні вимоги вашого бізнесу та додатків.

Маяк BLE

There are several different types of beacons, including wristbands, round-shaped ones, and key fobs. It transmits a radio wave that is easily able to pass through solid objects like iron gates and pillars. Indoor outdoor location і додатки для маркетингу на відстані, like those from MOKOSmart, are better suited for BLE. They have a shorter range compared to GPS beacons but offer a higher level of accuracy, що робить їх ідеальними для програм, які потребують точної інформації про місцезнаходження.

One example of Bluetooth Beacons at work is proximity marketing. When a person approaches a location with beacons, like a nearby store, a gadget in his pocket records the Bluetooth signal being delivered in coded form, which is then decoded by a beacon-enabled app. If the software is able to decode these signals, it determines the device user’s absolute position with respect to the store’s beacons and notifies him of it through location-aware notification. Наприклад, the app can work with the closest beacon to broadcast a special offer each time someone enters a market’s shampoo aisle.

GPS beacon

Potential applications for GPS beacons include outdoor asset trackings, such as monitoring the location of vehicles, обладнання, or cargo. GPS beacons can also be used for geofencing, which can be helpful for applications such as fleet management or perimeter security. Наприклад, a company with a fleet of vehicles could set up geofences around their depots or other designated areas. If a vehicle with a GPS beacon enters or leaves a geofence, the company could be notified, allowing them to track the movement of its assets more effectively.

One example of a GPS iBeacon at work is fleet management. Beacons are often used by businesses to understand the real-time condition of their fleet of vehicles. By installing GPS devices in fleet vehicles that can help drivers optimize routes, fleet managers can track the location and status of their drivers, reducing operational costs and improving fleet safety.

There are many uses and applications for the two unique navigation technologies known as GPS and BLE.

Comparison Between Bluetooth Маяки і GPS Маяки

BLE and GPS Beacons might seem similar, but some fundamental differences separate them. To help customers make an informed decision about which type of beacon is right for their application, let’s compare the features of GPS and Bluetooth beacons in a table:

Особливість GPS Beacon Маяк Bluetooth
Технологія Satellites Bluetooth Low power technology
Діапазон До 10 км До 100м
Точність розташування Низький Високий
Споживання енергії Високий низький
Compatibility with devices GPS-enabled devices Bluetooth-enabled devices
Вартість Високий Низький
Безпека Very secure Безпечний
Scalability density Низький Високий
Установка More complex легко
Лінія зору вимагається Not required
Відповідні програми Управління флотом,
Mapping and surveying,
Keeping track of children,
Географічне огородження
Навігація в приміщенні,
Безпосередній маркетинг,
Відстеження активів,
Служби визначення місцезнаходження в реальному часі


The first and biggest difference between GPS and BLE beacons is how they operate. GPS beacons rely on a system of satellites in Earth’s orbit that continuously send out identifying broadcasts. Trackers can pick up signals from these satellites and then use triangulation to determine where the device is on Earth. З іншої сторони, Bluetooth beacons operate using Bluetooth Low Power technology once connected to a mobile terminal. If the item is within signal range, they can locate it or use the location service on your phone to show you the last position the item was in before it lost connection to the mobile terminal.


Another difference between GPS and Bluetooth beacons is their range and location accuracy. Bluetooth beacons usually have a range of only 100 meters and are suitable for indoor navigation. Однак, Bluetooth beacon location accuracy might vary based on elements like signal strength and interference. GPS locator beacon technology, з іншої сторони, can have an unlimited range. This makes GPS beacons potentially more suitable for remote tracking outdoors.

Споживання енергії

Power consumption is also a difference between GPS and Bluetooth beacons. GPS beacons typically require more power than Bluetooth beacons, which can limit their battery life. Маяки Bluetooth, like Moko Smart’s, can be designed to consume very little power, allowing them to last for months or even years on a single battery. This makes them ideal for applications where the beacons need to be placed in hard-to-reach areas or where frequent battery changes are not feasible.


One of the main advantages of Bluetooth beacons is the low cost. They are much cheaper to produce than GPS beacons and typically cost between $10 і $100. MOKOSmart, наприклад, витрати $2-60. This makes them ideal for where cost is the main consideration. Додатково, depending on the device, they have an extended battery lifespan that can last for several years.


Захист також важливий від маніпуляцій, щоб запобігти отриманню користувачем неправдивої інформації про стан поштової скриньки, security is an important consideration when choosing between GPS and Bluetooth beacons.

There are almost no security issues with GPS beacons, and the privacy and security risks associated with GPS mainly come from the receivers and communication mechanisms inherent in the manufacturer’s servers. Сьогодні, most manufacturers employ various authentication and storage technologies to protect GPS receivers.

Beacon hacking is one of the frequent risks to the security of BLE beacons. Hackers can locate beacons with lax security in public areas, although most beacon makers now have certain safeguards in place to stop this from happening. Дуже важливо розуміти, що маяки BLE купуються в надійних постачальників, як MOKOSmart, є 100 відсоток безпеки.

Фактори, які слід враховувати під час вибору між Bluetooth і GPS Маяки

When choosing between GPS and Bluetooth beacons, є кілька факторів, які слід враховувати. До них відноситься асортимент, споживання енергії, вартість, і випадки використання. При виборі ваш вибір, розглянути наступні важливі запити:

  • Який діапазон необхідний для вашої програми?
  • Споживання електроенергії викликає занепокоєння?
  • Який у вас бюджет на маячки?
  • What is it you’re trying to track?
  • Is proximity marketing necessary?

Наведені вище запити допоможуть вам визначити тип маяка, який найбільше підходить для ваших конкретних випадків використання.


Both BLE and GPS have benefits and shortcomings when it comes to navigation. While GPS works well for tracking items in open spaces or huge areas, BLE is best for tracking assets that are close at hand. В кінці, the technology selected will depend on the specific use cases of the organization.

At Mokosmart, we offer both GPS and Bluetooth beacons to meet the diverse needs of our customers. Whether you need to track outdoor assets or create a personalized shopping experience for your customers, we have the right solution for you.

It’s also worth noting that hybrid solutions combining GPS and Bluetooth technologies are becoming more popular. These solutions can provide the benefits of both technologies, such as using GPS for outdoor tracking and Bluetooth for indoor navigation.

Підсумовуючи, choosing between GPS and Bluetooth beacons requires a careful evaluation of the application requirements. Factors such as accuracy, діапазон, вартість, час автономної роботи, and installation complexity should be considered. With the help of a trusted beacon provider like MOKOSmart, you can select customized beacon solutions for your needs and enjoy the benefits of IoT connectivity.


Написано --
Нік Хе
Нік Хе
Нік, досвідчений менеджер проектів у нашому R&D відділення, приносить багатий досвід MOKOSMART, раніше працював інженером проекту в BYD. Його експертиза в R&D привносить всебічні навички в управління проектом IoT. З суцільним фоном, що охоплює 6 років в управлінні проектами та отримати такі сертифікати, як PMP та CSPM-2, Нік чудово координує роботу відділів продажів, інженерія, тестування, і маркетингові групи. Проекти пристроїв IoT, у яких він брав участь, включають Beacons, Пристрої LoRa, шлюзи, і розумні розетки.
Нік Хе
Нік Хе
Нік, досвідчений менеджер проектів у нашому R&D відділення, приносить багатий досвід MOKOSMART, раніше працював інженером проекту в BYD. Його експертиза в R&D привносить всебічні навички в управління проектом IoT. З суцільним фоном, що охоплює 6 років в управлінні проектами та отримати такі сертифікати, як PMP та CSPM-2, Нік чудово координує роботу відділів продажів, інженерія, тестування, і маркетингові групи. Проекти пристроїв IoT, у яких він брав участь, включають Beacons, Пристрої LoRa, шлюзи, і розумні розетки.
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