
How IoT is Shaping the
Future of Retail Industry

> 應用 > 物聯網體育: How IoT is Shaping the Future of Retail Industry

The retail game has changed. E-commerce titans and picky buyers have flipped traditional selling on its head. 隨著物聯網, retailers can finally wave goodbye to outdated, one-size-fits-all shopping experiences. Sensor-laden smart shelves provide real-time inventory tracking, while in-store heat maps reveal the hot zones that draw the most foot traffic. And with IoT enabling targeted promotions and personalized digital signage, retailers can serve up delightful, memorable shopping journeys tailored to each customer. Those who master IoT will emerge to thrive in today’s competitive commerce landscape.

The role of IoT in the retail market

The IoT in retail market is exploding, projected to hit $123B by 2030 和 18.7% 複合年增長率, driven by demands for personalized shopping, efficient supply chains, and data-driven insights.

Traditional brick-and-mortar retailers are feeling the heat from shifting consumer preferences and e-commerce’s disruptive force. IoT provides respite by optimizing operations end-to-endprecisely calibrating inventory levels while delivering memorable customer experiences that cultivate loyalty. Smart IoT devices and applications can make the retail experience smoother and more efficient.

global market of IoT in retail rise from $31.2 billion in 2022 至 $123億n 2030

As consumer needs keep evolving, adopting IoT technologies is becoming critical for retailers looking to stand out and unlock new growth opportunities in an increasingly digital world. Those that fail to get on board with IoT run the risk of falling behind more innovative competitors.

10 practical applications of IoT in retail industry

IoT has numerous applications in the retail industry, each designed to enhance different aspects of the shopping experience and streamline operations. Here are some of the most popular IoT applications in retail:

10 applications of IoT in retail


有效管理他們的供應鍊是大多數零售店的共同問題. RFID tags and 藍牙信標 can track and monitor the movement of goods, enable real-time tracking of inventory levels, and optimize stock replenishment.


Bluetooth beacons for proximity marketing are the perfect way to integrate IoT in retail. They can be used to send customers notifications based on their location on personalized discounts or certain events. The location data can also be used to send sales associates to areas where customers are staying to improve the customer experience.

Seamless Indoor Navigation

In large retail stores, customers can pull up turn-by-turn directions on their phones to quickly find the products, departments or amenities they’re looking for. Wayfinding tags and apps enable this seamless indoor navigation, enhancing the shopping experience. The positioning data also gives retailers valuable insights into shopper journeys and dwell times to optimize store layouts.

Smart Shelves

Smart shelves use IoT weight sensors and RFID tags to monitor inventory levels on display and stock shelves. They detect out-of-stock items, prompt replenishment, track misplaced items, and offer real-time inventory data to staff via mobile apps. This automation streamlines operations while also cutting down manual tracking and ensuring proper stocking of products.


在物聯網技術的幫助下, 您只需在手機上點擊幾下即可輕鬆跟踪您的商店資產, 藥片, 或電腦. 有時, 商店員工很難在身體上跟踪他們. Bluetooth asset tags can be used to keep track of shopping carts preventing any theft cases. 此外, with beacons, 零售商可以始終確保他們有足夠的購物車供顧客使用.

Automated Checkout

Customers despise checkoutit’s the most time-consuming and labor-intensive part of shopping. Many individuals simply leave without purchasing anything when checkout lines are overly long. Retailers can employ IoT devices to automate their point-of-sale (PoS) 系統. When a consumer exits the store, the PoS can read the product tags in their cart and automatically charge them via a mobile payment app. No more waiting in lengthy lines to make a purchase.


對於大多數零售店來說,能源總是一項昂貴的開支. 然而, with our 智能插頭 and energy monitor/meter solutions, retail stores can monitor their energy consumption in real time. This will help retailers figure out how to make energy use more efficient and help to reduce their energy bills.


冷鏈監控 is a great way to use IoT in supermarkets and pharmacy. 物聯網將協助監測溫度, 濕度, 以及任何其他有助於確保易腐貨物盡可能長時間保持新鮮的參數.


In the retail industry, where employees spend substantial time indoors interacting with customers, maintaining a fresh and comfortable indoor environment is essential. IoT sensors for retail track indoor air quality factors such as carbon dioxide, 溫度和濕度, preventing employees and customers from experiencing uncomfortable symptoms such as dizziness.


An excellent way to ensure customer satisfaction is to anticipate your customersneeds and be able to fulfill them. Internet of Things devices like occupancy sensors and beacons will gather information on in-store activities and identify the prime spots to place products that need to sell quickly and the best layouts to use.

The benefits of IoT in retail

IoT is bringing forth a wealth of opportunities for retail businesses, with new solutions and strategies evolving rapidly. Crucially, these transformative technologies are now within reach for not just major chains but also smaller retailers. By embracing IoT, retailers can harness the following advantages:

  • Shopper journeys become smoother through personalized product recommendations, intuitive in-store navigation, and frictionless self-checkout processes.
  • Inventory management is optimized thanks to real-time tracking capabilities and automated restocking triggers, reducing overhead costs.
  • IoT devices monitor and control energy consumption while predicting maintenance needs, preventing costlier breakdowns down the line.
  • Rich customer insights are gleaned from behavior analytics and real-time feedback across IoT sensors, 應用, social media, 和更多 – illuminating areas for continuous improvement.
  • Robust security solutions like IoT-enabled theft prevention and restricted access controls safeguard stores and protected areas.
  • In the post-COVID era, IoT facilitates contactless payment and pickup options that minimize wait times while enhancing shopper safety.
  • The unified IoT ecosystem, spanning connected devices to digital channels, delivers a comprehensive view into shopper preferences, search intent, and purchasing decisions.

IoT technologies enabling smart retail

Achieving the full potential of IoT in retail requires leveraging a range of cutting-edge technologies. Here’s a breakdown of some IoT technologies reshaping the retail landscape:

  • 射頻識別 (射頻識別): RFID tags track products throughout the supply chain and within stores. Compared to traditional barcodes, they offer advantages like reading multiple tags at once, significantly improving inventory management and checkout processes.
  • Beacons and Location-Based Technologies: 信標技術, powered by 低功耗藍牙(成為), has revolutionized customer interactions within physical stores. Beacons strategically placed throughout the store can offer promotions, send specific messages, or help in-store navigation.
  • Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT): Robotic systems integrated with IoT can automate tasks such as inventory management, stock replenishment, and even last-mile delivery.
  • Sensor Networks: Interconnected sensor networks monitor environmental conditions and customer interactions in real time. IoT sensors can monitor various parameters such as temperature, 濕度, and energy consumption. 此外, they offer valuable data on customer behavior for informed decision-making.
  • 電子貨架標籤 (ESLs): ESLs are digital tags replacing traditional paper labels to display product information and pricing. They can be updated in real time via a wireless connection, making it easier to manage pricing strategies dynamically.

Real-life uses of IoT in the retail industry

現在, 物聯網設備在零售業得到使用並蓬勃發展. 以下是零售業使用的物聯網解決方案的四個成功案例.


這可能是物聯網在零售業中最著名的用途之一. 這些亞馬遜便利店為人們提供了一種無現金購物方式. 人們只是走進去, 選擇他們想要的, 然後走出去. 我知道, 聽起來像是小偷夢寐以求的東西, 對? 但是Amazon Go是一家非常真實的便利店.

該應用程序適用於 Amazon Go 應用程序, 用於將您選擇的任何商品記入您的亞馬遜賬戶. Amazon Go 商店有傳感器,可以在商品被取走或返回貨架時進行檢測, 他們將協助跟踪客戶購買的商品,以確保正確收費.


Target 已成功使用連接到其 Target Run 應用程序的物聯網信標,根據客戶的位置向其推銷. 只要客戶在進入 Target 商店時擁有該應用程序並開啟藍牙, 他們將收到有關不同產品和促銷活動的通知.

Urban Outfitters’ Loyalty Program

Urban 成功利用信標吸引年輕市場. 放置在入口處的信標, 試衣間和收銀台協同工作以提高客戶滿意度.

進入 Urban Outfitters 後, 信標將敦促任何使用智能手機的客戶通過社交媒體解鎖特別優惠. 在試衣間, 信標將在產品上生成客戶特定的內容. 他們還將被要求與他們的產品自拍, 並在Instagram上發布#UOonYou,讓他們有機會出現在公司的網站上.


梅西百貨還成功使用藍牙信標為顧客提供更加個性化的購物體驗. 藍牙信標與 Macy 的應用程序配合使用,任何在商店中打開 Macy 應用程序的人, 該位置將立即被記錄,他們將根據他們所在的部分收到有關產品的通知.


儘管物聯網在零售行業有很多好處和應用, 仍有挑戰.

  • 安全
    目前物聯網面臨的最大挑戰之一是安全性. 幾位 IT 專家聲稱物聯網的發展速度比我們保護它的速度要快得多. 隨著時間的推移,網絡攻擊變得越來越複雜, 使網絡安全成為物聯網設備的真正挑戰.

然而, 通過與網絡安全專家合作並製定穩健的安全策略, 零售店可以減輕物聯網帶來的安全風險.

  • 成本
    安裝物聯網解決方案並不便宜. 零售商需要對強大的網絡進行巨額投資, 數據網絡, 雲計算, 和其他與物聯網相關的基礎設施, 這些並不便宜. 因此,在零售中安裝物聯網可能會很快變得昂貴, 讓一些零售商對物聯網感到擔憂.

儘管如此, 零售商需要記住的一件事是沒有必要一次購買所有基礎設施. 他們可以先安裝一個小型物聯網解決方案,然後再從那裡發展.

  • 專業知識
    物聯網系統是複雜的技術,需要專業和技術專長來設置和操作. 這通常不是大多數零售員工所擁有的經驗類型. 因此,它可能使零售商不願將物聯網納入零售店.

然而, 零售商可以通過聘請自己的物聯網專家來幫助他們處理物聯網設備的技術問題,從而輕鬆克服這一問題. 他們還可以將需求外包給專門從事物聯網的第三方公司.

The future of IoT in smart retail

IoT is rapidly transforming the retail landscape, and its impact is only expected to grow in the coming years. As retailers look to provide more digitized, convenient and personalized shopping experiences, they will increasingly turn to IoT technologies and solutions. Here are some of the key trends that will shape the future of IoT in the smart retail space:

  • Tighter integration of IoT across all retail operations
  • Smart shelves with computer vision and RFID for automated inventory tracking
  • Increased use of robots and AGVs for inventory management and last-mile delivery
  • Convergence of IoT, 到, and AR for highly personalized shopping experiences
  • Real-time processing of IoT data enabled by 5G and edge computing
  • Responsive, contextualized experiences adjusting dynamically based on customer data
  • Robust cybersecurity and potential use of blockchain for supply chain transparency
  • Customer experience at the core, blending physical and digital realms seamlessly

Why choose MOKOSmart

What should retailers do to match the standards of their new customers? 答案在於最近的技術革命——零售中的物聯網. 零售商需要張開雙臂歡迎物聯網打破品牌之間的牆, 產品, 和客戶.

Choosing to integrate IoT is just the first stepretailers must also select the right IoT company to fully reap the benefits. 摩科智能 is the reliable hardware solution partner retailers should choose for their IoT journey. MOKOSmart offers a wide range of innovative IoT devices that help build IoT solutions for smarter retail operations.
