MOKOSmart 在 LogiMAT China 上革新智能物流 2023

MOKOSmart 在 LogiMAT China 上革新智能物流 2023

上海, 6月14日, 2023 – LogiMAT 中國 2023, 亞洲最大 內部物流貿易展覽會 用於分發, 材料處理, 和信息流, 將於6月14日至16日開播, 2023. 摩科智能, 領先的智慧物流解決方案提供商, 很高興能參加這個備受期待的活動.

LogiMAT 中國 2023: Unlocking Intralogistics Excellence

Renowned as Asia’s premier exhibition for intralogistics, LogiMAT China provides a holistic market overview of the internal logistics industry. It serves as a hub for industry leaders, experts, and solution providers to showcase their latest offerings, share practical knowledge, and engage in meaningful discussions. MOKOSmart is excited to be an integral part of this event, fostering collaborations and contributing to the progression of smart logistics.

What Does MOKOSmart’s Show in The Exhibition

MOKOSmart’s comprehensive product lineup encompasses a wide range of smart logistics solutions catering to diverse applications. Leveraging the latest technologies, MOKOSmart offers highly adaptable UWB tags, 藍牙信標, and Gateways for short-range scenarios. For long-range applications, their portfolio includes LoRaWAN GPS Trackers, 傳感器, and Gateways. This versatility ensures seamless integration into various logistics environments, enabling organizations to optimize their operations and drive efficiency.

Driving Efficiency in Warehouse and Transportation Operations

MOKOSmart’s solutions are specifically designed to revolutionize warehouse and transportation operations, empowering organizations to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. With MOKOSmart’s smart logistics solutions, businesses can achieve real-time tracking and monitoring of critical metrics. This includes accurate trash bin fill level detection, precise paper and towel dispenser fill level detection, efficient stock count, comprehensive inventory level monitoring, reliable occupancy detection, and timely soap dispenser fill level detection. By harnessing these capabilities, logistics managers can make data-driven decisions, 減少開支, and improve overall operational performance.

Driving Efficiency in Warehouse and Transportation Operations

Customer Success Stories from MOKOSmart

MOKOSmart takes pride in the success stories of its valued customers, highlighting the tangible benefits of its smart logistics solutions. One notable case study revolves around the implementation of pallet-tracking solutions in warehouse logistics. Through MOKOSmart’s innovative technology, the customer achieved significant improvements in logistics management efficiency, including cost reduction, precise pallet position tracking, and streamlined inventory management. Another success story showcases real-time monitoring and management of inventory capacity, providing accurate insights into stock levels, facilitating swift inventory replenishment, 確保零售企業優化倉儲和物流運營.

MOKOSmart在logimat China展會上展示的客戶成功案例 2023

LogiMAT China 體驗​​智慧物流的未來 2023

LogiMAT 中國 2023 提供了見證智慧物流未來的無與倫比的機會. 我們邀請與會者參觀我們位於 N4B47 的展位並體驗現場演示, 與業界專家互動, 並獲得對最新技術的寶貴見解. 了解 MOKOSmart 的解決方案如何協助組織提升營運效率新水平, 提高供應鏈可視性, 並提供卓越的客戶滿意度.


Phoebe 是一名內容創作者, 負責MOKOSMART網站內容的編輯和社交媒體的管理. 麻省理工學院畢業生, 她曾擔任產品工程師和銷售工程師 3 在技​​術公司工作多年, 為她的行業專長奠定了基礎. 之後, 她曾在中國一家知名新聞助理擔任編輯 2 年, 設計報紙頁面和報導社區新聞. 她有很強的研究能力,知道如何讓她的文章更具可讀性. 她主要撰寫公司新聞版塊,輔以網站其他內容.
Phoebe 是一名內容創作者, 負責MOKOSMART網站內容的編輯和社交媒體的管理. 麻省理工學院畢業生, 她曾擔任產品工程師和銷售工程師 3 在技​​術公司工作多年, 為她的行業專長奠定了基礎. 之後, 她曾在中國一家知名新聞助理擔任編輯 2 年, 設計報紙頁面和報導社區新聞. 她有很強的研究能力,知道如何讓她的文章更具可讀性. 她主要撰寫公司新聞版塊,輔以網站其他內容.
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