MOKOSmart mostra le ultime innovazioni all'IoT Tech Expo Europe 2023

MOKOSmart mostra le ultime innovazioni all'IoT Tech Expo Europe 2023

MOKOSmart, un produttore leader a livello mondiale di dispositivi IoT intelligenti, ha fatto una forte impressione all'IoT Tech Expo Europe 2023 evento che si terrà ad Amsterdam da settembre 26-27. As an original equipment manufacturer of IoT devices, MOKOSmart showcased a range of innovative solutions and devices to help companies implement IoT technology and drive digital transformation.

Overview of IoT Tech Expo Europe 2023

The two-day IoT Tech Expo Europe brought together over 5,000 professionals across the IoT ecosystem, along with over 500 exhibitors. As one of Europe’s premier events for the Internet of Things, the Expo provided an ideal venue for companies like MOKOSmart to demonstrate the latest IoT innovations and connect with potential partners and customers.

The event was brimming with presentations, demos, and displays covering everything related to IoT tech – 5sol, AI, digital twins, and beyond. Conversations abounded about how to fully maximize the potential of IoT across different sectors. Leading experts also shared strategies and real-world case studies illustrating how IoT can optimize operations and drive business forward.

As an IoT device manufacturer, MOKOSmart generated substantial buzz at its booth by showcasing the latest IoT innovations and solutions for wireless connectivity.

High-accurate UWB real-time positioning solution

A key highlight at MOKOSmart’s booth was its new ultra-wideband (UWB) real-time location system, co-developed with ReliableSensor Technologies and Nooploop. Offering centimeter-level accuracy for indoor tracking, UWB brings new possibilities in logistics, assistenza sanitaria, produzione, Al dettaglio, e altro ancora.


The UWB real-time positioning solution attracted great interest from visitors at the event. UWB technology can precisely monitor the location, movement and interactions of items in defined spaces. With the ability to locate assets, inventory or people in real-time within 30 centimeters or even less, UWB can be used to revolutionize workflows in warehouses, ospedali, stores and factories.

MOKOSmart’s UWB solution shows the huge potential of IoT technology to drive digital transformation across industries when combined with advanced capabilities like real-time location services.

Showcasing an extensive range of innovative IoT devices

In addition to the UWB system, MOKOSmart displayed its wide range of sensori, fari, gateways and modules using technologies like Bluetooth, LoRaWAN, and NB-IoT. With high quality and flexibility, these products are versatile in asset tracking, monitoraggio delle condizioni, navigazione interna, gestione della flotta, eccetera.

MOKOSmart showcase an extensive range of IoT devices

Per esempio, MOKOSmart showcased its L01 wayfinding beacon, which provides a rotatable design and accurate location. This navigation anchor is applicable for proximity marketing in retail stores, contact tracing in offices, and wayfinding in airports.

MOKOSmart also exhibited its LoRaWAN tracker which can track vehicle location while consuming minimal power. With the low cost and wide coverage of LoRaWAN networks, companies can connect thousands of remote assets, even in areas without a network.

The range of IoT devices on display highlighted MOKOSmart’s capacity to provide tailored IoT solutions that address diverse customer needs.

MOKOSmart empowering customers’ Soluzioni IoT

Con oltre 17 years of experience manufacturing IoT devices, MOKOSmart has become a trusted partner for over 100 global brands.

“We think IoT tech has huge potential that’s still largely untapped,” said Alex Ke, MOKOSmart’s CEO. “Our team is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of IoT innovation. We’re excited to unlock more of that potential for our customers moving into 2023 and beyond.”

A MOKOSmart, we put a big emphasis on understanding customers’ needs first, then relentlessly improving our products and innovating. We strongly believe well-designed IoT solutions can transform businesses. Stay tuned for more IoT products and solutions in 2023 and beyond.

Scritto da --
Phoebe Young
Phoebe Young
Phoebe è una creatrice di contenuti, responsabile della redazione dei contenuti del sito web MOKOSMART e della gestione dei social media. Un laureato al MIT, ha lavorato come ingegnere di prodotto e ingegnere di vendita per 3 anni in un'azienda tecnica, che ha gettato le basi per la sua esperienza nel settore. Dopo, ha lavorato come redattore per un noto collaboratore di notizie in Cina per 2 anni, progettazione di pagine di giornali e segnalazione di notizie della comunità. Ha una forte capacità di ricerca e sa come rendere i suoi articoli più leggibili. Cura principalmente la sezione delle notizie aziendali e integra altri contenuti nel sito web.
Phoebe Young
Phoebe Young
Phoebe è una creatrice di contenuti, responsabile della redazione dei contenuti del sito web MOKOSMART e della gestione dei social media. Un laureato al MIT, ha lavorato come ingegnere di prodotto e ingegnere di vendita per 3 anni in un'azienda tecnica, che ha gettato le basi per la sua esperienza nel settore. Dopo, ha lavorato come redattore per un noto collaboratore di notizie in Cina per 2 anni, progettazione di pagine di giornali e segnalazione di notizie della comunità. Ha una forte capacità di ricerca e sa come rendere i suoi articoli più leggibili. Cura principalmente la sezione delle notizie aziendali e integra altri contenuti nel sito web.
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