Bluetooth to LoRaWAN Gateways

Bluetooth to LoRaWAN Gateways scans nearby Bluetooth beacons and transmits the received information to the server through LoRa. Using LoRaWAN technology, long-distance transmission requires no network usage.

Bluetooth connection


Our lorawan gateway use lorawan protocol


our lorawan gateway is operated with ultra-low power

Ultra-Low Power

our lorawan gateway support long-range transmisson

Long Range

How Does Bluetooth to LoRaWAN Gateway Work

Bluetooth to LoRaWAN Gateways are designed based on LoRa and Bluetooth 4.0 technologies. It receives nearby beacon information and resends it to the LoRa gateway, which then uploads it to the server. Data is sent to the LoRaWAN gateway and follows FIFO rules. Once the previous round is over, it starts transmitting all the data again. If new beacon messages are received during transmission, they are placed at the end of the FIFO and will be sent in the next cycle. If some beacons are out of range of the Bluetooth gateway, their messages will not be sent in the next cycle.

working principle of Bluetooth to LoRaWAN Gateways

Use Cases of Bluetooth to LoRaWAN Gateways