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Wondering what this whole “RTLS” thing is about before adding real-time location tracking to your application or business? Make sense – it’s a big investment. And if you’re reading here, chances are you know that real-time tracking can optimize operations and reduce costs. Indeed, many companies are setting their sights on RTLS: in fact, the global real time location system market is expected to hit $31.09 million by 2030, growing from $4.91 billion in 2022, indicating a widespread adoption of this solution. If you’re thinking of jumping on RTLS …

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What is a BLE Module And How Does It Work?

The evolution of Bluetooth 4 ushered in Bluetooth Low Energy technology. These compact yet highly effective BLE modules have become catalyst of the wireless revolution. Their energy efficiency makes them

what is a smart gateway

What is A Smart Gateway? How to Choose One?

In contrast to the Internet era, the communication protocols of IoT have added a few more ways, particularly with the fragmentation of objects. But this is where smart gateways start

LoRaWAN VS NB IoT: How Do They Compare and Differ

LoRaWAN VS NB-IoT: How Do They Compare and Differ

The IoT is blowing up and LoRaWAN vs NB-IoT are two titan low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) leading the charge. These long range, low bandwidth wireless languages might sound confusing now,