YK Huang

Product Manager, MOKO SMART

YK is a seasoned Product Manager at MOKOSMART’s R&D department with over a decade of smart device development experience. He is PMP and NPDP certified adding to his knowledge of how to navigate cross-functional teams. Having utilized data-driven insight to successfully launch more than 40 connected products. With a background in Electronics & Engineering, YK works well at transforming complex technical value propositions into user-friendly IoT solutions for both consumer and industrial applications.

YK Huang’s Most Recent Content

What is Bluetooth Mesh and How Does It Work

Bluetooth Mesh is a veritable innovation of BLE, competing with mesh-capable Zigbee and Thread technologies. This is essentially made possible by interconnected nodes. These nodes act as points in a

What is a LoRa Module & How the IoT Hardware Works

As our world becomes blanketed with connected devices and sensors, one persistent challenge strangles implementations – reliable wireless connectivity over vast areas. While technologies like WiFi and Bluetooth nurture smart

What is Bluetooth IoT and Why Choose It

What is Bluetooth IoT and Why Choose It?

Over the past decades, the pace of IoT innovation never ceases to amaze us. We’ve gone from pie-in-the-sky dreams of connected appliances to deployments of massive industrial sensor networks. Market

A Complete Guide on IoT Implementation

The internet of things (IoT) is a digital technological revolution offering numerous advantages to the world of technology. Corporate firms, organizations, and enterprises will benefit from IoT implementation. IoT provides

What you didn’t know about IoT

What You Didn’t Know about IoT in China

With the rapid rise of the IoT, a rapid transformation of economic systems and social relations has been noticed globally. In this transformation, China plays a critical role thanks to

Difference between IIoT vs. IoT Technologies

Difference Between IIoT VS IoT Technologies

The Internet of Things (IoT) is sweeping numerous areas of modern life. Now, IoT has spread to industrial environments as well – hence the term Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)