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A Comprehensive Look Into the RTLS System

Searching for lost things can derail your lean management efforts. It not only wastes time but also eats into productivity. Case in point, 37% of nurses that responded to a survey claimed to have spent anywhere between one to six hours searching for items at work. The same storyline applies to various professionals, from engineers to regular factory workers…

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Health Wearable Devices

Trends in the Health Wearable Technology

The use of wearable technology has steered an increased demand in health industry, thereby generating a more booming market. At MOKOSmart, we have health wearable devices, such as wearable beacons.

Difference between IIoT vs. IoT Technologies

Difference Between IIoT VS IoT Technologies

The Internet of Things (IoT) is sweeping numerous areas of modern life. Now, IoT has spread to industrial environments as well – hence the term Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

How to Improve Your Beacon Security

Beacons are inconspicuous, compact wireless devices that repeatedly broadcast tiny packets of location and sensor data using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signals. When in range, compatible smartphones can receive these

IoT Companies 101

IoT Companies 101

The world is changing and will continue to do so immensely because of the Internet of Things’ influence on every aspect of our lives. There’s no industrial sector on earth right