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A Comprehensive Look Into the RTLS System

Searching for lost things can derail your lean management efforts. It not only wastes time but also eats into productivity. Case in point, 37% of nurses that responded to a survey claimed to have spent anywhere between one to six hours searching for items at work. The same storyline applies to various professionals, from engineers to regular factory workers…

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Beacon devices

Technical Aspects of Beacon devices

Beacons are small Bluetooth transmitters that can be attached to shelves, products, signs, doors, etc., for example. The small transmitters can communicate with smartphones and thus enable automated communication with

Beacon application

10 Beacon Application Services

Beacon and iBeacon  Everyone knows today the names RFID, NFC, GPS, WLAN, Bluetooth, etc. Now, something apparently new is coming: A beacon or iBeacon, which are based on well-known Bluetooth

Beacon Infrastructure

Technical Basics of Bluetooth Beacon Infrastructure

In this article, we primarily want to deal with the implementation and planning of corresponding applications and the beacon infrastructure. Applications based on BLE beacons are becoming increasingly common. These

A truck moving equipped with LoRa GPS tracker with a dashboard displaying its routes

How and When Can You Benefit From LoRa GPS Tracker

LoRa, which stands for “Long Range”, is a wireless connectivity technology optimized for long-range data communication with low power consumption. Unlike Wi-Fi or Bluetooth that have a typical range of

LoRaWAN module

Low Power Standard LoRaWAN Module

LoRaWAN module The LoRaWAN module are compact, energy-saving LPWAN radio modules (Low-Power-Wide-Area-Network) that offer support for the LoRaWAN wireless protocol with a long range. This new radio module is intended